Firmware Releases

  • 15.12.2024

Senticon has released number of new firmware versions improving and enhancing the product ranges. All new deliveries will be supplied with these new firmware versions. To utilize the new features, please update the Device Configuration Tool (with new json-templates).


TCR10/QCR10/TCR11/QCR11 Controllers  

Version 1.65

Additional Display Units. Display units l/s, m3/h and cfm have been added. These can be used e.g. with the universal inputs or with information sent from the BMS.

Calculated Average Temperature. Calculated average temperature can be now read from parameter 419 (also Modbus Holding register).

User Setpoint Adjustment Save in Nonvolatile. New parameter 689 Store User Adjustment has been added. By setting this, when the user adjusts the setpoint from the touchscreen, the setpoint is stored in the non-volatile memory (i.e. after soft reset, or power cycle, the stored user adjustment is used).

Version 1.64

Language File Factory Default. On factory defaults - if the language file has been downloaded - the controller will default to use the language file (e.g. Finnish, Swedish, Danish etc.). If only English is loaded then the controller will automatically use English language file.

Version 1.63

Boost Button. Boost button foreground colour changed to green.

Version 1.62

New Setpoint Slider Screen. New setpoint adjustment/slider screen has been implemented with bigger + / - buttons, and setpoint slide functionality. The new setpoint slider screen is now the default setting. The classic setpoint adjustment can be activated from DISPLAY SETTINGS/GENERAL by setting parameter 611 Setpoint Slider Screen =  0 : Disabled.

Display Timeouts. Display timeout increased allowing the setpoint change to be seen on return from setpoint slider screen and with screen background light level set to 0%.

Version 1.61

Individually Lockable Locations. Each of the five display locations can now be individually set Read/Write or Read Only. This allows e.g. setpoint to be read only instead of adjustable (without using the generic Lock feature from the Menu).

Non-Volatile Lock State. The Lock State (Lock icon from the Menu screen) is now stored in the non-volatile memory. E.g. if the screen is locked, the lock remains after power cycle. 

Bluetooth Device Name Display. The Bluetooth Device name is now visible in the display by entering the Configuration Screen (the name can be changed via Mobile SmartConfig App).

kOhms Measurement Option. New kOhms measurement option for Universal Inputs. This allows easier measurement of e.g. status of leak detection sensors.

Version 1.60

5th Display Location. A new 5th display location has been added to show measurements, adjust setpoints and to show information from the BMS. All options for locations 1-4 are available also for location 5.

Version 1.59 

Reset User Adjustment:  Fix to store parameter 684 Reset User Adjustment in the tool application backup.

Version 1.58 (from 1.56)

Fan Level Measurement Parameter 437:  New fan level parameter 437 has been introduced to show the current fan level (0-1-2-3-A). 

Fan Max Speed in Automatic Mode:  New fan Max Speed. parameter 752 has been introduced. By setting the Max. Speed, the fan speed will not exceed this in automatic mode. Using the touchscreen it is possible to override to fan speed to 100%. 

Improved 0-10V Measurement. The way the 0-10Vdc input is measured at low voltages has been changed improving the measurement accuracy.

Version 1.56 (from 1.53)

Setpoint Adjustment Display:  Display Locations have two new options to show Main Loop SPA and Aux Loop SPA. When these are selected +/- user adjustment from the Nominal Setpoint is displayed. When there is no user adjustment, 0 is displayed. 

Fan OFF Mode:  Fan Off Mode includes new option ‘Minimum Occupied’. If this is selected the minimum fan demand is only applied in Occupied mode. If set to ‘Minimum’ then this is applied in both Unoccupied and Occupied modes.

Average Function:  New Average function has been introduced. This allows averaging temperatures and bringing the average temperature as a source to the multi-stage and auxiliary control loops.

Individual PWM/ON-OFF mode selection for each triac (DO) via parameters 555,556,557,558  (0=PWM, 1= ON/OFF; default PWM) has been added. 

Alarm Skin Colour Option. Alarm bar function has been expanded to include Skin option. In case of the alarm the background colour changes to amber and red.

Modbus Network Overrides. With Modbus Network overrides for fan and control mode now “reset” automatically to "no override" after override. This way the BMS doesn't have to toggle parameter to re-apply.

Digital - Unoccupied / Occupied disabled in OFF Mode. If UI Digital Option is set to “Digital – Unoccupied / Occupied”, and the controller is overridden to OFF mode (e.g. by other input / BMS), the “Digital – Unoccupied / Occupied” is suspended. This means that OFF mode is true OFF, and if the UI is connected to e.g. PIR this will not override the controller ON during movement when in OFF mode.

PIR Disabled in OFF Mode. If the built-in PIR Inaction setting is set to “Unoccupied”, and the controller is overridden to OFF mode (e.g. by other input / BMS), the built-in PIR is suspended. This means that OFF mode is true OFF and PIR movement will not affect the device operating mode. 

New UI Digital Input Option: Off – UI1/2 State.  For example, when the digital input 1 is set to “Digital – Unoccupied / Occupied” [e.g. connected to door card],  and then the  UI2 uses this new option, the controller overrides to OFF mode when the UI2 contact opens. On return when contact closes  [e.g. closing window], sets the controller mode to state defined by UI1 (closed – occupied, open – unoccupied).

Version 1.53

BACnet:  Possibility to override the Analogue Output Objects (AV6-AV9) and PWM Demand Objects (AV19 – AV22) by writing Priority Inputs 1-15 without need to set output mode to Network.

BACnet:  BACnet AV16 object takes priority in Off and Unoccupied states on local mode transition away from Occupied mode (allows advanced three levels of energy saving functionality used in e.g. hotel applications).

BACnet:  Five new AV objects added: AV23 - Unooccupied Heating Deadzone, AV24 - Unooccupied Cooling Deadzone, AV25 - Occupied Heating Deadzone, AV26 - Occupied Cooling Deadzone, AV27 - Frost Setpoint.

Universal Input Polarity:  UI1 and UI2 Digital Mode polarity setting added. This allows the input polarity be changed from the software settings i.e from normally open (normal) to normally closed (reverse).

3-Speed Fans: Analogue Outputs Y1-Y4 can be now be configured as Fan Speed 1,2 and 3. This allows external relays to be used from analogue outputs in 3-speed fan application. Additional switching delay parameter has been added between the fan speed switching. The 3-speed fan switching points have been made programmable (Fan_Speed_1, Fan_Speed_2, Fan_Speed_3).

Version 1.48

Occupancy Enable:  Occupancy has been added to the Triac modes. This allows e.g. triac to switch on in occupied state when PIR detects movement - but it is not limited to PIR.

Valve Exercise:  The analogue 0-10Vdc and digital output exercise function added. This is activated after a set period of inactivity (valve fully closed or open). The exercise function can be set individually for each output.

Alternative Fan Speed Adjustment: Alternative fan speed adjustment setting added. When enabled the fan speed is adjusted like setpoint using +/- buttons.

Version 1.45 (from 1.38)

LoraWan: New configurable Lora Uplink and Downlink (write) messages has been introduced. The uplink includes up to 12 configurable values, and the downlink up to 6 writable values.

Bug Fixes: Cooling/icon update corrected when demand changed from 100% cooling to 100% heating in one step. Fan speed is running after change-over logic is applied. CO2 demand is forced to 0% in OFF mode. Modbus multiple holding register 16 write bug (normally Single Holding registers used to write values).

Multi-Trigger Occupancy Detection: Multi-trigger PIR mode added. The controller monitors number of detections during a set period. Energy saving feature that e.g. does not switch the room to occupied mode when a cleaner visits the room.


TCR04/QCR04 Controllers 

Version 1.13

Language File Factory Default. On factory defaults - if the language file has been downloaded - the controller will default to use the language file (e.g. Finnish, Swedish, Danish etc.). If only English is loaded then the controller will automatically use English language file.

Version 1.12

Fan OFF Mode:  Fan Off Mode includes new option ‘Minimum Occupied’. If this is selected the minimum fan demand is only applied in Occupied mode. If set to ‘Minimum’ then this is applied in both Unoccupied and Occupied modes.

Fan Max Speed in Automatic Mode:  New fan Max Speed. parameter 752 has been introduced. By setting the Max. Speed, the fan speed will not exceed this in automatic mode. Using the touchscreen it is possible to override to fan speed to 100%. 

Version 1.11

Boost Function. The new boost function added together with hardware option BST (boost button). Mode Button 605 (third button with 3B models) selects between Fan, Occupancy and Boost operations. In Boost the controller can override to Occupancy by pressing the boost for a specified period. Alternatively the boost can boost the selected output level to 100% for the specified time. Toggle option also available by setting boost time to 0.

Version 1.10 (from 1.08)

Improved 0-10V Measurement. The way the 0-10Vdc input is measured at low voltages has been changed improving the measurement accuracy. 

Triac Mode Setting. Possibility to set individually the triacs to On/Off or PWM mode (from Fw 1.09).  

Version 1.08

Setpoint Adjustment Display. Setting parameter 610 : Setpoint Mode = Adjustment, the setpoint adjustment e.g. -3.0 to 3.0 is displayed instead of the calculated setpoint.  

Version 1.06 (from 1.03)

Universal Input Polarity:  UI1 and UI2 Digital Mode polarity setting added. This allows the input polarity be changed from the software settings i.e from normally open (normal) to normally closed (reverse). 

BACnet:  Possibility to override the Analogue Output Objects (AV4-AV6) and PWM Demand Objects (AV13 – AV24) by writing Priority Inputs 1-15 without need to set output mode to Network.

Valve Exercise:  The analogue 0-10Vdc and digital output exercise function added. This is activated after a set period of inactivity (valve fully closed or open). The exercise function can be set individually for each output. 

PIR Option:  Option for PIR has been added to the 2-button version of the TCR04/QCR04. The PIR has standard and multi-trigger modes.


TVR20/QVR20 Pressure Independent VAV Controllers 

Version 1.15

Language File Factory Default. On factory defaults - if the language file has been downloaded - the controller will default to use the language file (e.g. Finnish, Swedish, Danish etc.). If only English is loaded then the controller will automatically use English language file.

Version 1.14

Individually Lockable Locations. Each of the five display locations can now be individually set Read/Write or Read Only. This allows e.g. setpoint to be read only instead of adjustable (without using the generic Lock feature from the Menu).

Non-Volatile Lock State. The Lock State (Lock icon from the Menu screen) is now stored in the non-volatile memory. E.g. if the screen is locked, the lock remains after power cycle. 

Bluetooth Device Name Display. The Bluetooth Device name is now visible in the display by entering the Configuration Screen (the name can be changed via Mobile SmartConfig App).

kOhms Measurement Option. New kOhms measurement option for Universal Input 2. This allows easier measurement of e.g. status of leak detection sensors.

New Setpoint Slider Screen. New setpoint adjustment/slider screen has been implemented with bigger + / - buttons, and setpoint slide functionality. The new setpoint slider screen is now the default setting. The classic setpoint adjustment can be activated from DISPLAY SETTINGS/GENERAL by setting parameter 611 Setpoint Slider Screen =  0 : Disabled.

Boost Button. Boost button foreground colour changed to green.

Display Timeouts. Display timeout increased allowing the setpoint change to be seen on return from setpoint slider screen and with screen background light level set to 0%.

Version 1.12

k-Value Range. The k-value range has been increased to 0..6550.0.  

Version 1.10

DPT50 Pressure Sensor Support. The xVR20 controllers have been updated to support Senticon'c DPT50 differential pressure sensors. This allows DPT50 sensors to be used as the flow measurement devices in the VAV box control. The xCR20 controller perform flow conversion (l/s, m3/h, cfm) from the pressure measurement and all VAV box control settings can be managed from the xVR20 series. The way 0-10Vdc input in measured with low voltages is also changed for improved performance.  


TER10/MER10/VER10/QER10 Smart Sensors

Version 1.48

Language File Factory Default. On factory defaults - if the language file has been downloaded - the sensor will default to use the language file (e.g. Finnish, Swedish, Danish etc.). If only English is loaded then the sensor will automatically use English language file.

Version 1.47 (from 1.45)

Individually Lockable Locations. Each of the five display locations can now be individually set Read/Write or Read Only. This allows e.g. setpoint to be read only instead of adjustable (without using the generic Lock feature from the Menu).

Non-Volatile Lock State. The Lock State (Lock icon from the Menu screen) is now stored in the non-volatile memory. E.g. if the screen is locked, the lock remains after power cycle. 

Bluetooth Device Name Display. The Bluetooth Device name is now visible in the display by entering the Configuration Screen (the name can be changed via Mobile SmartConfig App).

kOhms Measurement Option. New kOhms measurement option for Universal Inputs. This allows easier measurement of e.g. status of leak detection sensors.

New Setpoint Slider Screen. New setpoint adjustment/slider screen has been implemented with bigger + / - buttons, and setpoint slide functionality. The new setpoint slider screen is now the default setting. The classic setpoint adjustment can be activated from DISPLAY SETTINGS/GENERAL by setting parameter 608 Setpoint Slider Screen =  0 : Disabled.

Display Timeouts. Display timeout increased allowing the setpoint change to be seen on return from setpoint slider screen and with screen background light level set to 0%.

Version 1.45 (from 1.42)

5th Display Location. A new 5th display location has been added to show measurements, adjust setpoints and to show information from the BMS. All existing options for locations 1-4 are available.

Toggle Button. Locations 2-5 have now option for the Toggle Button (with TS option). This allows On-Off type toggle button to be presented on the display. This can be used e.g. to switch lights/blinds on/off or to switch between heating and cooling modes. The descriptions can be changed using the Language Translation utility. If LCD screen is used, the location and be used to show on/off type information from the BMS. 

Improved 0-10V Measurement. The way the 0-10Vdc input is measured at low voltages has been changed improving the measurement accuracy.

Control Loop Setpoint Handling for x10 Setpoints. Fix how the x10 (decimal point) setpoints are handled in the control loops.

Version 1.42 (from 1.40)

Alarm Skin Colour Option. Alarm bar function has been expanded to include Skin option. In case of the alarm the background colour changes to amber and red.

Reset Air and WELL Building Standard TVOC Readings. The VOC sensor has three new calculation options: TVOC Ethanol (ppb), TVOC Molhave (Well Building Compliant TVOC Concentration, ug/m3) and TVOC Isobutylene (Reset Air Standard Compliant TVOC Conncentration, ug/m3). These can be displayed on the screen, or read over the network.

New Display Units. ppb (parts per billion) and ug/m3 display units have been added.

TVOC Display Description. TVOC has been added to the description list.

Version 1.40 (from 1.35)

Absolute Setpoint Limits:  The setpoint limits can be set absolute instead of relative. This allows e.g. 0-100% adjustment with possibility of the BMS setpoint write not altering the minimum and maximum value. Can be used e.g. for window position. Note: the setpoint steps are configurable e.g. 1/10/25%. 

Y1 Output Option - Setpoint: Allows the setpoint configured on the touchscreen to be sent to 0-10Vdc output. Can be used for any kind of setpoint i.e temperature or e.g blinds position controlling the blinds.

Blinds/Window Text: Blinds and window text added to descriptions. This allow the device to be used e.g. as interface to control the Window or Blinds position (in addition to the light level).

Universal Inputs Polarity:  UI1 and UI2 Digital Mode polarity setting added. This allows the input polarity be changed from the software settings i.e from normally open (normal) to normally closed (reverse).

LoraWan: New configurable Lora Uplink and Downlink (write) messages has been introduced. The uplink includes up to 12 configurable values, and the downlink up to 6 writable values. 

BACnet:  Possibility to override the Analogue Output Objects (AV6-AV9) by writing Priority Inputs 1-15 without need to set output mode to Network.

TCR80 Series Controllers 

Version 1.26 

kOhms Measurement Option. New kOhms measurement option for Universal Inputs. This allows easier measurement of e.g. status of leak detection sensors.

TDR20/QDR20 Touchscreen Room Interfaces  

Version 1.13

Language File Factory Default. On factory defaults - if the language file has been downloaded - the user interface will default to use the language file (e.g. Finnish, Swedish, Danish etc.). If only English is loaded then the user interface will automatically use English language file.

Version 1.12

New Setpoint Slider Screen. New setpoint adjustment/slider screen has been implemented with bigger + / - buttons, and setpoint slide functionality. The new setpoint slider screen is now the default setting. The classic setpoint adjustment can be activated from DISPLAY SETTINGS/GENERAL by setting parameter 618 Setpoint Slider Screen =  0 : Disabled.

Display Timeouts. Display timeout increased allowing the setpoint change to be seen on return from setpoint slider screen and with screen background light level set to 0%.

Individually Lockable Locations. Each of the five display locations can now be individually set Read/Write or Read Only. This allows e.g. setpoint to be read only instead of adjustable (without using the generic Lock feature from the Menu).

Non-Volatile Lock State. The Lock State (Lock icon from the Menu screen) is now stored in the non-volatile memory. E.g. if the screen is locked, the lock remains after power cycle. 

Larger Location 1 Number Display. If only Locations 1 up to 3 in use, the location 1 text uses now bigger font size.